Social System Mapping Community of Practice

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Amy Moritz

Enamored with social networks and eager to apply them to social change

Meghan Campbell

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Peter Larsen

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Nenad Maljkovic

Towards regenerative cultures through dialogic collaboration.

Dirk Hulverscheeidt

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Deanna Schneider

Developer and Data Analyst at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension.

David Takahashi

David is a GreenFaith Fellow and Social System Mapping advocate.

Andrew Mackie

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Katherine Bessey

Katherine is involved with the development of Cooperative Economics in the Northeast and cooperative data improvement for better analysis.

Marcia Nation

An independent program evaluator working with initiatives that create and leverage networks to forward social and environmental change.

Lora Wedge

Systems mapping fan in Duluth, MN, United States. Working on sustainability and consciousness.

Cristina Lasch

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You've shared information about 19 connections with us so far.