Social System Mapping Community of Practice

You've shared information about 18 connections with us so far.

Hello, Amy, please help us learn together while exploring Social System Mapping and visualizing this network

Welcome to Social System Mapping!!

Find inspiration for the field of Social System Mapping, and learn about the vision for our  Community of Practice.

And use our Community Portal to help you get oriented to the workings of our community.

This map - our map of our CoP - is meant to be:

  • A learning tool:
    • Giving everyone the option to experince the member-side of the sumApp interface first-hand.
    • Giving this community its own map to engage with, sense-make with, copy code from, etc..
  • An expermental playground:
    • Giving us a place to test out ideas about survey or connection questions, process, and so-on.
  • A living example of using Social System Mapping for:
    • Helping this network weave itself.
    • Helping the core weavers (Christine, Tim, Cara and the Master Mappers) learn where there is energy and design convenings/projects around that energy.
    • Helping everyone find the support from one another that will amplify and accelerate learning.
  • A hands-on example for:
    • Satisfying curiousity about Social System Mapping.
    • Show others what Social System Mappin is & how the interface works.

Please - only share data that you feel good about & is meaningful for you to share. This is not a command performance and this experiment only works if it's voluntary & valuable to you!

Feedback/ideas/questions welcome via Slack or via email to Christine

And IF there are others you know who should be on this map (but aren't yet), meaning, theyre interested in Social System Mapping (or the broader adjascent fields of Network Weaving, etc.), please feel free to invite them yourself. You can send them this Opt-In link.

Lastly - if you aren't already using the sumApp slack team and have questions, comments, etc. you can join it here. We even have a channel for discussing this map.

How we will use this data

Data from this map will be held in a private Kumu map. Those who are IN the map will have access to it via the sumApp member-view interface.

AND it will sometimes be shared, sense-made with, and recorded in our Community of Practice conference calls. In other words - no-one who is not on the map can dig into the map themselves, but those who are not on the map may see your name or face briefly in a video recording.

This part is important:

We, of sumApp, reserve the right to decide who stays on this map. If you see someone on the map who you feel shouldn't be there (like - they're a spy for some bad actor or another) let us know. This map is for our community of practice and we will not hesitate to remove folks who undermine our collective faith in using it.

And lastly - you can update your email & name under 'My Preferences' above. But if you use 'My Preferences' to remove yourself from being viewable on the member tiles or in the map, you will be removed from the project entirely, and lose access to the map. It's fine for you to lurk visibly & not provide any data, but it's not ok to lurk invisibly.

How would others in this network identify you? In 140 characters or less.