Joining the Netweavers Map

Opt-in to join the Netweavers Map!

We need your email to send you an invitation to map. You opt-in by sending us your email address. In doing that you are giving your permission to create a visible placeholder for you on the map and for others on the map to say they have a relationship with you.

If you don’t want either of those things to happen, don’t opt-in. If you opt-in to map and later change your mind you can opt-out from being on the map and/or being visible to others for connection by indicating that in sumApp’s “my preferences.”

If you opt-in you will get an invitation to map with a unique link to your personal sumApp survey. That survey is where you enter whatever information about yourself and your connection to others that you want. That information is then immediately made visible in map form by the Kumu visualization program. You can actually see the map itself from your sumApp survey dashboard.

Hoping to see you on the map and begin to explore our network together!