Intro to Anchor Gardens Directory



Privacy:  although this network is secure, it will be viewable by all others who sign up for Anchor Gardens. We have purposely left out your street address to avoid potential garden stalkers.  :-)

After submitting in your name and email below, check your inbox.  Find an email from <>.  Move it to yourPRIMARY inbox or add it to your contacts, so that you can continue getting email from Anchor Gardens. There will be a link to your new gardening profile/survey.  Pour a cup of tea and plan to spend 20 min or so.  Figuring out how Anchor Gardens can support you as you grow food is extremely important to us, so this is a very valuable survey.

This is the place to let others get to know you, find out your needs as well as what things you have to offer.  When it's completed, we will be able to connect you with your coach and all the resources Anchor Gardens has to offer. We look forward to connecting with you.

NOTE:  When you get to the connections section, there is a pull down menu on the top right, so you can pull down only people from your neighborhood, or only the new people just added.  You can always come back and update.  We urge you to fill out all of your connections however so we can get a good picture of the strength/reach of Anchor Gardens.  Thank you.